                    filter(gapminder, year%in%c(1952, 2007)) %>% # Include only observations from 1952 and 2007
                    ggplot(aes(log(gdpPercap), lifeExp, col = continent)) + # Wealth & longevity, colored by continent
                    geom_point() + # Use points or dots to illustrate the data
                    geom_smooth(method='lm') + # Add a line of best fit 
                    facet_grid(continent~year) + # Make separate panels or facets for each continent year
                    labs(colour = "Continent", # Clean things up for publication quality
                        x="GPD Per Capita (logarithm)",
                        y="Life Expectancy",
                        title="Longevity and Wealth Across Time and Space",
                        subtitle="Summarize your key insight here",
                        caption="Data from Gapminder, inspiration from Justin
                                Murphy's free course Data Blogging with R.")